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In Case of Emergency

In the midst of an emergency, it can be difficult to focus time and energy to identify supports and resources. This annotated list provides an overview of some important resources for seniors living in the five boroughs of New York City.

The Department for the Aging (DFTA)

DFTA is the go-to agency for most things relating to older adults in NYC. They provide phone and online resources and can access seniors to databases of city and statewide resources on a range of issues. The easiest way to access these services is through calling 311. However, computer-savvy seniors can visit Here you will find information on such senior-related things as:

  • COVID-19 testing resources

  • In-home services

  • Informational videos for caregivers

  • Names and locations of social adult day care programs in all 5 boroughs

  • Names and locations of senior centers in all 5 boroughs

  • Phone-based education on different aspects of Medicare, known as the HIICAP program

  • Housing support including information on city rent freeze programs for older adults and for people with disabilities

  • Free legal assistance for qualifying seniors who are at risk of eviction

Education on Frauds and Fraud-prevention

This publication identifies common scams and frauds and provides a variety of links to online and other resources, including free financial counseling

Volunteers of Legal Service (VOLS) Elderly Project

Seniors aged 60+ on a fixed income with less than $40,000 in assets can turn to VOLS to assist them to drafts wills and other advanced directives for free. Call 347-521-5704 for information or go to

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