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When Seniors Travel

There Travelers Health: Senior Citizens

As children move out and retirement years approach, this can be an exciting time for seniors to see the world.  Travel is easier and safer than ever before, with a little planning, and some caution, seniors can safely visit almost any destination.

Take a look at the link below for a few tips.

Destination for Travelers Over 60

There are many great places around the world for senior to visit.

Check out the link below to learn about six of the best food and wine destinations for seniors

Seniors Traveling Solo

For seniors, traveling solo means making their own itineraries, enjoying their own company, interacting with more locals, and traveling at their own pace.  Combining overseas travel with volunteer service is a great way for seniors to maintain autonomy while also giving, learning, connecting and giving back in tangible way.

To find out more click link below!

Seniors Travel Insurance

Seniors Travel Insurance can be an important investment as Medicare typically does not provide coverage outside of the United States.  Travel insurance has the potential to cover medical cost, trip cancelation, lost or stolen luggage, as well as deal with other issues that might arise.

To find out more about the benefits of travel insurance for seniors, please click the following link!

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